She's amazing.....what a sweetie!!!!
So last night as I was standing in the kitchen completely overwhelmed by my feelings of how I was doing as a mom and wife, I thought about my three little kiddos and if what i was doing for them or with them was
ENOUGH....."sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate"
I went into each one of their rooms to check on them at that moment and asked myself. what do i need to do to better myself as a person so I can give them one hundred percent of me,mom. I tend to look at other moms and think "wow, how do they keep it all in check and still have feelings of being enough for their families. some with 3, 4, and 5 kids. What, more than three how do they do it. I see their homes clean and their cars cleaned out, their kids hair done every time you see them and they are always early to church all the while the
crock pot was turned on and rolls set out and dinner will be waiting, yummy, for them when they return. Their houses stay clean on the weekend and things are ready for the next week to start. (I know nothing is as it seems but man they are some pretty good fakers then :)
WHAT THE!!!! Then last night as i was standing in the kitchen talking to Brian, something we do on a regular basis, and I love the advice he sometimes "throws" at me! I asked him what it is that keeps him going on a task, through all of it!!! The beginning, middle and end. He is so good at what he does and sometimes I feel when he
gets home that I have run and run and run all day long and at the end of the day you would have thought I sat on the couch watching Opera and eating
bon bons all day. Although that would be YUMMY and
full filling I know I have busted my "little" (I know, I daydream
alot) booty all day long and at the end I am so tired I think I put sugar in when salt was asked for and
vacuumed the lawn when it was supposed to be mowed. Am i making any sense.
I said "you are motivated by the fact that if you don't finish a job you don't get paid, then your business falters and your family starves and suffers. He said "
Tif if you don't do your job as a mother and wife your family starves and suffers too" Wow, I knew that, but just hearing those words come from his ever fine lips, which I love to kiss on A LOT!!! IT struck me hard and got me thinking in a different way!!! (this is a little in sert that was amazing. makes me love my sweetie even more watch this) I am to hard on myself.
Tif, chill a little, take it one day at a time. Just savor every day. It's that simple?, really?, no but if we take a deep breath and jump into motherhood and dive into
wifery (is that a word?) we can do whatever is thrown our way. I want my kids to look back on their childhood and see a mom who was willing to go to the park when the dishes weren't done or the laundry was still on the couch waiting to be folded (ha ha, my towels are on my couch waiting to be folded and tucked snugly in my linen
cabinets) I want them to look back and think "Yep, mom was ENOUGH"
I went in to their rooms and found them all off to dreamland, the best place ever, and had to capture that moment right then and there.
I loved it and can't wait to do this all over again tomorrow.
Wish us luck and good good luck to all you mom's out there. We're all in this together (WHAT, did i just high school musical that) You are
Enough for your family.....always remember that!!!!love ya all
These babies mean everything to me!!!!! I wonder what is going through her tiny thought's right now!!!!! HHHMMM you never know
YUMMY!!!!! Look at those lips.....just