So last night we could NOT for the life of us get the kids to go to sleep. After about 2 hours things finally died down and when I went to check on all the kids around 3 this morning which is something I do
everynight around that time, I found all 3 kids in bed with
Kaely. Well it took me another hour to fall asleep and then at about 5:45am I heard Brian waking the kids (all of them) with such great enthusiasm I probably have some explaining to do with our neighbors. :)He had all of them in the shower and dressed by 6:30 (go honey!!!) He told all of them that if they had enough energy to stay up late then he was going to start waking them we he gets ready to go to work and if they continue to stay up late he'll wake them up when he gets up at 4:30am!!! So we'll see if this continues.I told him before he went to work that Doyle was going to need a nap today and he said "NO WAY" that kid is staying up today so he'll go to sleep tonight. Yeah well.........see for yourself!!!!!!!
He fell asleep on the way back from taking the kids to school this morning. I tried honey but there was no way to wake this kid up!!! I have even cleaned and vacuumed his room, no luck!!!
That is hilarious Tiff! Brian you ROCK! That is seriously the best idea to teach them the importance of a good bed time.
Tiff I don't know what you're talking about when you say you're done for the day at about noon. You need to have a better attitude and let the girls do what they want. If they want to make cookies and jam to High School musical then they should be able to. Yeah right!
You know how awesome I think you are and it's okay to have days like these. It has to be okay, I have these way too often for it not to be.
Sounds to me like you just need to call good ol papa Johns (yay that safford finally has one) and have him deliver dinner to you. Have it on a blanket in the grass so there's no clean up. Just an idea!
Oh my goodness, that is HILARIOUS! When you're ready to drop, there's no stopping it!
Brian is so cool.
LOLOLOL Thank you for the great laugh and the great idea for when my kids do that. Even Jesse laughed! He liked the picture of Doyle.
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