July 2009
Why is that when I set goals for myself and get all gung ho on accomplishing these new goals that the day I want to wake up and get after it I am so dang tired!!!
I did however go to bed with a clean kitchen and wake up feeling like that one thing was on my side!! Now there is the laundry and vacuuming and the dusting and the organizing, oh the organizing!! Are you ever really all put together!!
I love the fact that my husband sat down last night on the couch and asked me to join him!! The kids were snuggled all snug in their beds and he had a paper that said
Goals 2010
Brian's goals-
Tifani's goals-
couple's goals-
I love my husband in every way. I love that he wants to help me better myself and ourselves for that matter! He inspires me! He is such an awesome daddy too!
Now where in the heck am I supposed to tap in to some energy so I can get all of this stuff done! I am proud of the fact that we have read our scriptures every night and held family prayer every night and morning! I wanted to get better at this for some time now!! We have been doing really pretty well with the scripture study but could use some work on the prayer as a family. It truly makes a difference! I am so happy that I have the support of my Hubby in all of this! I don't know what I would do without him!
I hope to journal better too! Family is so important and I don't want to look back and think to myself, I wish I had documented this part of my life better! I am excited for this new year!! and can't wait to NOT be pregnant anymore! My body is screaming HELP!!!!!
So sweet of Brian.
Can you believe that tomorrow you will be in double digits for your countdown to the delivery. no more hundreds.
Wa Hoo!
What an awesome couple and such good examples to us all!!!!! Love to your sweet family!!!!
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