I woke up this morning about 1:30am and my lower lip was killing me......8 coldsores starting in the middle of my lip and move all along my right side and are now coming down past my lip, I can't even talk my mouth hurts so dang bad!!!!! I feel like I look 6 months prego and I'm only 16 weeks, I haven't felt the baby yet only once a few weeks ago but I think now that might have been gas!!!!! Doyle heard Brian working out to Tony on P90X and thought he'd join him at 5:00AM then he showered with dad, got all dressed and is conked out on my bed, boots and all and he is supposed to be at his preschool in 10 minutes, with his costume on for his Halloween party today!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH
By the way.....
Is it monday today.........?
How To Custom Build Your Own Built In Desks
3 days ago
come watch biggest loser with me today, and you won't feel so fat!
Sorry to hear about your cold sores- that's the pits. Just make it be part of your halloween costume:)
How is brian liking P90x. I really like it so far. Week 5.
OUCH! Have you tried Valtrex? My doc has me on a daily dose so I don't break out while doing chemo. Not sure if it is safe for pregnancy but you could always check. If it interferes with your eating it may be worth it.
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