Thursday, August 21, 2008
And so it begins....
Our family Mountain trip
Doyle and "his bef frend" Jack
Toad's in 1st Grade!!!!!
She is a good big sis to Doyle and loves to ride her bike and swim. she is an outdoor girl and loves to go to the mountain with the fam and run all over the place. she loves horses and asks me all the time when aunt Melissa is coming down from mesa so she can go riding with her. She loves basketball and loves anything that has to do with running. WOW she is always on the move and it is never a dull moment with Toad around, We love ya Cambry
Kaely's in 4th Grade!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
My big sis turns 34!!!!!!

My little trickster!!!!
That little bugger got me out of bed with a LIE no less just so I would get him some cereal. It's a good think Heavenly Father makes theses kids so darn cute and irresitable so we don't end up giving them away at times. I love him and now I am laughing but at 6 am it wasn't that funny to me! HHHHHHHMMMMMMM i wonder why! gotta love em

Monday, August 11, 2008
Cluff Reunion 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008
My WONDERFUL Hubby!!!!
What is his name? Brian David
How long have you've been married? 10 1/2 yrs ( from the looks of this pictures it looks like it's been longer huh;)
How long did you date? A VERY LONG 1 yr 2 months and 14 days ;)
How old is he? 32 1/2
who eats more sweets? I do
Who said "I love you" 1st? I did
Who is taller? He is and I love it cause i love looking up at him!!! Just thought I'd throw that in there HEHEHEHEHE
Who can sing better? Me, but when I am prego and getting poked for the umpinth time with IV'S he sings me the song from pillow talk with Rock Hudson and Doris Day "you are my insperation" and it helps me to mellow out and sort of relax. I love him so much for that!!!!
Who is smarter? WOW, he has that one hands down!!!
Who does laundry? I do except for when I'm pregnant of wait not even then cause his mom does it.. or my mom. so yeah he never does
Who pays bills? we both do

Who mows the lawn? we both do but he does it more
Who cooks dinner? I do, except for the prego thing again then its ranch sandwiches and ramen:0
Who drives? we both do
Who is more stubborn? I think he is but I'm sure if he read this then it would be me SO yeah we'll just leave this one alone!!!!
Who kissed 1st? sly dog, he did after asking me to go on a walk with him out by his house overlooking the city 5 days after he got home off his mission!!!
Who asked who out first? I asked him out first
Who proposed? I almost did, but he beat me to it!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA long story, that's a whole other post!
Who has more siblings? He does, I have 4 and he has 6

Who wears the pants? Wow that is a tuffy...........It depends on what time of the month it is.......for........Yeah

What do you love most about him? The way he makes me laugh. Wheather it's some stupid face he makes (photo below) or getting my goat as he puts it. I love that he loves me so much and he never lets me doubt that. He is a great father to our 3 beautiful children and he looks on the bright side of everything. He is so optimistic about everything ..............

and I love him more today then i did 10 years ago. He has shown me that our trials only make us stronger.........
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Kaely is a 4th grader


It's just Marshmallow's Mom