I want to tell my awesome husband (who turned 35 today) I mean 29, Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Brian is THE MOST wonderful person and I am so glad and feel sooooo blessed that I get to smooch on him on a daily basis!!!! He keeps me laughing and smiling (most of the time) ;>
He makes me so happy and I love waking up in the morning thinking about ways to love on him during the day, I still get so excited when I see that it is him who is calling my phone, I get butterflies when 10:30 rolls around and I know that I get to lay next to him and fall asleep, then we both turn over and get comfy!!!!!! I love that after almost 13 years of marriage I am sooooo much more in love with him now then we were 13 years ago, and that I can be anywhere in town and if he sees my car he comes in to where I am and sneeks up on me and grabs my butt ( one of these days He is going to get smacked) I love how he still likes to grab me from behind and kiss my neck then whisper sweetness ;> in my ear, just like he did the day we got married, If Perry really new what he whispered he would have blushed. We have a pretty special bond and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Our days aren't always bliss but I know that on most days we will be laughing and (kissing and doing things that would frighten the fish,)( name that movie) I love you Suga Daddy!!!!!!!!!
i love you daddy happy brithday
I'm looking at all of your pics on your blog and it makes me miss you soooooooo bad. We have to plan a trip somehow to see each other. You look great! I just miss my best friend and I'm so thankful for you. Love ya Tif
Oh yeah and happy late b-day Brian! I miss you too :>
you people look so cute to
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