We are dedicating the Gila Valley Arizona Temple today and what a special day it is!
Yesterday as the kids and I along with other family and friends waited to greet President
Monson and his motorcade as they drove down airport road the kids (and adults) were so excited to see the cars coming down the hill with them inside, we were waving and waving and all of a sudden president
Monson's car pulls off the road causing all the other cars following to slam on their breaks and
Vere off the road too! HE GOT OUT!!! Waving his arms in the air he walked across the street where we were all standing and began to shake all of our hands and give out hugs, President Eyring and Elder Holland were there also along with Elder Walker of the
Quarm of the Twelve Apostles. It was so neat to talk to
Elder Eyring and tell him of our experience working on the Temple and as he
grabbed Brian's shoulder and shook his other hand he expressed his heartfelt
gratitude of the work they did and what they put in to it!!! He thanked him and Brian said later that that was so neat cause no one has ever said "Thank You " before! It was so neat!!! We also found out that he was good friends with Grandpa Doyle and when Elder Eyrings dad passed away Nanny went and spent a few weeks with his stepmom and helped her. When Becky and I were standing next to him to him he asked Brian are these the wives of the Cluff boys and we said "yes", I love that man he was so neat to talk to and just feel of the love he had for us, it was so so neat!!!! We stood there in the middle of Airport Rd on Doyle
Cluff Pkwy for 20-25
mins as we listened to stories that Pres.
Monson had to share and as he told Tallie
Brinkerhoff that the yellow shirt she was wearing was his favorite color!!! He told Kiersten who was holding baby Jordan that he could tell she would make a great mother some day, cause she really had the patting the bum thing down, The kids were in
AAAWWWW! as were we! I got to talk a little to Elder Holland and he is a remarkable man! I can't believe the spirit that was felt yesterday! It is amazing to me that you can feel that anytime anywhere as strong as we did!!!! They kept trying to get him back in the car cause it was
sooooo hot, but he would just look at them and say "leave me alone, or
completely walk in opposite direction they were standing, it was so funny!!! As he turned to leave we all started to sing We thank thee oh God for a Prophet and he joined in along with President Henry B, Eyring, Elder Jeffery R. Holland and Elder walker the secret service were even singing! It was so cool!!!
When they finally got him to go they were holding on to his arm to help him across the street and he pulled his arm away and said "I can do it" then proceeded to walk the yellow line one foot in front of the other and turned and said " I'm
doin it I'm
doin it, I still got it"!!! Then he got in the car and drove off!!! Brian and I were saying last night that we are still in shock and we can't wait to get the pictures so we can blow then up poster size and put them all over the house ;)
This is to be an experience that will probably never happen again in our lifetime! We stressed just how rare that was for this to happen to our kids and that they should write this experience in their journals of what they remember!!! One thing that I thought was so funny was after President
Monson shook
Cambry's hand and gave her a hug she told me "mom, I never want to wash this hand again!!!! It was too cute!