Seen the victim of a Rattlesnake bite! This morning at three am I got up to put Doyle back in his bed for the 2nd time. And I thought that i saw something standing on my table outside as I went to close to blinds. I turned on our outside porch and this is what i saw looking at me. his legs were shaking and he looked like he was going to fall off the table, at first I thought it was another dog and then realized it was our sweet Dozer. I took pictures through out the day and you can see the swelling move down his face into his neck as hours pass. Just for peace of mind he is on pain killers and now on an antibiotic but now his face is swelling so bad the skin is tearing. It is so so so sad. He wags his tail a little now when you go near him but that's about it. and he is a VERY active jumpy dog.
The DMV Date
1 week ago
Oh my gosh Tif...totally made me well up. Poor guy! Is he going to be okay? What did the vet say? That is SO aweful!
The gave us an antibiotic and pain killer that we have him on. They said the swelling will eventually move down to his chest then just go away i guess. I check on him all day long. poor guy
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