My sweetheart and I are celebrating 11 of the best and hardest years of our lives and we wouldn't have asked for it any other way.
We have learned so much as a couple and we have both said on numerous occasions that we love eachother more today than the day we got married. What a neat and special day that was. I am so glad that I have him in my life and that he makes me feel like the luckiest women alive. He comes from a very awesome family who I love and I can't believe I get this for the rest of eternity. How lucky am I. Thank you for blessing me with the cutest kids alive and hope there are more to come. I love you and I am so thankful for you. Here's the next 11!!!!
A Special Night at the Temple
5 days ago
Awww. Happy Anniversary. You two are pretty cute together and you do have some stinking cute kids. Hope you had a great day!
I am just catching up on your blog! Congratulations to you both. We love you guys and hope to see you soon. We are baptizing and blessing on January 31st. Hope to see you there!!!(Here)
Love Ya
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