We took these family pictures on Mt. Graham this weekend when we had everybody here for C.J's homecoming! It was so much fun to be together as a family. We always have a blast!We drove up the mountain and had a picnic at lower arcadia then drove up to Brian's families cabin and built a fire and roasted marshmellows, then it started raining so we went in the cabin and vegged for a little while. It was fun.

C.J did such a good job on his talk. Brian's family said that it was the best missionary talk they have heard in a long time. He is an amazing person and I am so glad that we have him as an example. I love him so much and I am so glad that he is home. He has accomplished everything he has put his mind to and he is such a wonderful guy. Love ya cheej!!!

I love dad's face here. It's like he wasn't invited to do the crazy face thing. he looks like he has no idea.

Here we are. Kaely 9, Cambry 6, Doyle 3, Cody 7, Wyatt 1, Theron 4, Sydney 2
At our last pic we took I was prego with Cambry so that just goes to show 4 have been added since our last family pic. Yippy, Keep em comin!!!!