I am always getting my second wind at around 10:30 at night. I hate it. There are nights that I have to finsh that last load of laundry before I will let myself go to bed even if I am totally exhausted just because I don't want to have to face ONE more thing the next morning.
I get this burst of energy and then come morning I can hardly pull myself out of bed at 6:30. Am I just retarted or are there more of me out there. It is 12:00 midnight and I am trying to unwind after 6 loads of laundry (folded and put away) with one load in the dryer and one in the washer that will probably get put in the dryer first thing in the morning. I swear the laundry multiplies while it's sitting in the dirty clothes basket. I told Brian the other day that I just know they must be mateing in there just cause I never EVER feel caught up. And just when I think I am getting a handle on it 5 pairs of feet, 5 bums (as cute as they may be) are out there dirtying more to be washed.
I have just come to the conclusion that laundry will never be on my side and I am just fine with that. It is a battle never to be won, the victory is what it is! ;)
I hope if you are up reading this right now it's not cause you are losing your battle too. Love to all Good night!
Slow Start
1 week ago
You are so fun! I understand the battle first hand. You know me and my obsessivness................... I have many battles everyday! Love reading your blog. Let's get together once Logan is over he's strep throat! Love ya Girl!
Ok I need to thank you for your car not starting. I know it sounds crazy (I am sorry that happened to you at the pool yesterday)but it made Justin get home way early and we actually took the kids out in the rail for family night! So thanks!! Maybe we could plan some other "car problems" so you can call Justin and he comes to help preferably in the Pima area ya know :)
Why is it I can't stay awake past 9pm LOL I am definitely a morning person unlike you from the sounds of it!
I have been SOOOO TIRED since I started school. It's unbelievable what 10 years of sitting on your hiney will do for your energy levels. I'm with Mary can't do it past 10 THE LATEST!!!
Okay, so I finally decided to just do laundry every two or three days...your right it will never be done but I prefer a few loads every few days to 8 loads once a week. And I love that my kids are finally big enough to put thier own clothes away...well the boys anyways :)
Oh sister, you should see the mound in my closet right now. Sometimes I put it in there and close the door, just to pretend for a while that it's not really there. Only to have reality blast me in the face whenever someone needs clean underwear!
It's so funny, guess what time it is when I am reading your blog. You got it, a few minutes before midnight. I was just about to hit the sack, and thought, I will do a little blogging. And guess what I just finished doing.....laundry. I just thought it was ironic that I happened to click over and this was your post. I love ya, and am glad to feel normal before I go to bed.
Hey, it could be worse...you could be a night owl AND a morning person. Ya, sounds real dumb, hu? I need help!!! I am the same way, I try to sqeeze in one more thing so that I don't have to do it the next day...which makes for a sleepy day the next day! Love ya!
Sorry, sweetie, you come by it honestly! Remember falling to sleep hearing the vaccum cleaner running, yes, my kids had a bedtime story AND the vaccum to help them get to sleep.
Sorry !!!!!!
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