I have been on a blogging
hiatus cause I have been struggling with some things both as a mother and a wife and needing to find balance and peace in my life.....Can we really have peace in our lives with 4 kids(I love my kids)but come on.....I needed to face the fact that there is
a lot to raising these special little spirits who have been blessedly put in my care so I can get them through this life with confidence and the strength they are going to need to be productive, surviving and
successful adults!!! BUT.....I was hardly productive, surviving or
successful as a parent, I felt, so how was I going to get them to follow this lead!!! WOW....lots and lots of pressure here!!!! AND BOY WAS I FEELING IT!!!!
I do enjoy reading other blogs and seeing how some of these women are feeling it too!!!
Either with motherhood, their weight, their sanity and I try really hard to only follow those blogs that I feel show the REAL moments of life and not the "my husband and kids and life are always blissful"blogs, BLAH BLAH BLAH, come on, you can't have the "perfect" life cause that's really why we are here enduring this life is cause we ARE NOT all perfect, but that's not a bad thing!!! Really it's not......But I had a hard time telling myself that because my house was not clean all the time(I'm talking out of a magazine picture, clean) and the laundry was not always done (wash, folded and put away) and that I was not where I really wanted to be weight wise(still holding on to 25 lbs of sweet little Bryn) and not attending to my church duties as I should, that I was this horrible person who had failed somewhere down the line, of who I really thought I should be!
I'm telling ya it's been a rough last few months......
Then I started the little things, just really keeping the family room and kitchen spotless, well it still looks lived in, but for the most part the floors stay
vacuumed and the dishes I try to keep in the dishwasher, and not worrying that I have to start at the front door and have the entire house including bathrooms, closets, shelves, drawers, vents,
celling fans, baseboards, pantry, garage, back porch, front porch, lawn, yards, light fixtures out side on the house, carport, car all spic and span every minute of every day!!!!! I was beating myself up thinking what a failure i was that this stuff was not all organized and put in its place every waking moment!!!! Who really thinks this can even be accomplished when you are dealing with LIFE!!!!!!
I love
this article that a very REAL mom put out there!!! She is amazing!!!!
I needed to read this and see that I was not the only one struggling with this type of stuff!!! As i read this it put a lot into perspective for me and I put this in other regards to other areas of my life as well!!!! We need balance and need to take things in moderation, not all or nothing, that's not what we have been taught but should know just from plain
ol common sense!!!
It's an ongoing trial, this thing called life, but I know that if we balance out our days and take things in moderation we can get through most of it with a smile on our face,
some days are still going to leave me pulling my hair out, or just randomly screaming at the top of my lungs, then smiling really fast, sorry bout that kids, it did feel better though!!!! but hey that's what makes life so enjoyable, the little things, RIGHT!!!!