I love Italy! I have a weekness for tuscan themes but dont know where to start in adapting this to my house of chaos!! I want to start adapting!! slowly but surely I will have a tuscan tidy house, complete with the music, colors, love, and there famous saying " The sweetness of doing nothing" I could really take this literally!!! and then I awoke from my daydreaming!!!
I feel a little lost in my house!!! In myself!!! Who do I want to become!!! When I was little my answer was a mom, it consumed my every thought, Who would I marry, what would my sweet kids look like, where would I live! Now I am living in my daydream of 20 years ago! I love my life, I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my home!!! I feel like the chaos that we live in and the fast pace of the world we live in has me spinning out of control and Im dizzy!!! I want things to slow down! I want to think daily of what I am grateful and thankful for! Do more things for me and try to be the best mom and wife I can be. this may take some time cause all I know right now is how to be mom to 4 and wife to 1! I know with each day comes the chaos of life but I want to look at it differently!!! I guess look at it with open eyes!!! take it one day at a time in stead of thinking about 3 or 4 days at a time!!!! I think I want a meditation room!!! hhhmmm sounds amazing! I think now I need to wake up and go switch the laundry!!!!
Slow Start
1 week ago