today isn't as bad as yesterday but could be better just isn't, is that complaining well if it is it feels better than going in to the
porcelain god and sharing my breakfast, why isn't she sugar coating this you ask cause there is nothing sweet about losing your breakfast lunch dinner and every swallow in between, when things come up cold you know it didn't stay long enough! Which is why the ever-needed
Zofran pump is on it's way to be a constant companion to my inner thigh! Will i like it probably not, do I wish I was at the gym right now with my good friend Becca who stayed at my house all day yesterday and did my laundry till her baby cried for some mommy time!Yep she's
workin out and well I guess so am I! Trying to keep from
spewin has to burn some calories right, right!!! I want to remember this day for as long as I can so when I am having a bad day later on I can look back at today and, could be worse
Tif, buck and and smile. I have a lot to be thankful for................I get to be a mom of four ;)