Tif and Steph Nielson~ Mindy Gledhill concert Nov 2010
This sweet lady is just amazing!!! She is sooooo neat!!! It was so fun to get to talk to her and sit in front of her sweet family during the mindy gledhill concert! She and Mr. Nielson had a little bit to do with the concert and they did a fabulous job!!! she's one lucky lady!!! ;) He even did a little bit of singing for all of us, wish you could have all been there!!! This was just the cherry on top of a most eventful girls night out!!!!!
amanda and tif safford Nov 2010
Oh what a saweet fun time we had going to the Mindy Gledhill concert! Can I just say that our stomachs hurt so bad, but man are we going to have some rockin abs!!! We laughed, mostly at Amanda( I luv ya sista) she was drugged half the night trying to fight off a major tooth ache that was taking over her entire left side of her face, it was so sad to see her hurting so bad and there was nothing I could do for her, except TAP, and keep her hydrated and sing to her and give her big hugs!!!! FABULOUS
pic taken with my phone, love these girlies...FABULOUS
Mindy doin what she does best
we r awesome! Nice scary eyes ladies..........fabulous
who's this hottie!!! I think I'm shopping.....sssshhh....don't tell
Amanda......stealing the bread from cheesecake factory.....ssssshhhh
Bec and Stacie just bein adorable......FABULOUS
Lunch, Please
5 days ago